The Trees Are Alive With the Sound of Music
I have to laugh at the irony of the classic song “To Grandma’s House We Goâ€. Now while my mom is a grandmother, she does not live in the country. However, her parents did, as well as Stephen’s parents. Growing up, we took a Sunday drive around the lake and over the dam to Grandmother’s house. We were graciously welcomed with the aroma of a pot roast with carrots and potatoes roasting in the oven. While dinner was cooking, we would head outside to climb the tree in the front yard or take a walk down the street to a nearby park dotted with perfect trees to dangle from. The ritual was the same for every grandchild who visited my grandparents home.
Several years ago my grandfather passed away. Sadly, my grandmother was moved to a nursing home and their loving little green home was cleaned out and sold. The day of the funeral, the cousins, my siblings and I stood in the yard remembering the huge old tree and the fond memories we hold dear. That day, we all climbed the tree one last time.
Climbing trees is a child’s rite of passage. I love climbing trees even to this day. I lived in Freemont Texas many, many years ago and one re-occurring site I always saw were dangling feet and delightful squeals coming from the trees in many a friend’s yard. It was a scene right out of “The Sound of Music”. Watching the children climb trees must have unlocked my inner child, because I was often compelled to join them.
Recently we were visiting my children’s grandparents and for the first time I noticed the tree in the front yard was just the right size for the kids to climb. It was Mason’s and Adelin’s first time climbing a tree. Watching them, I saw true elation. Mason, who is four, thought he was so daring. He beamed as he climbed from limb to limb. Climbing the tree was an amazing accomplishment that was far more satisfying than the jungle gym at the park. All weekend all they wanted to do was climb the tree. Times like these when the children are experiencing true elation, is when I feel the most joy as a mother. I am also thrilled that my children get to experience the same family tradition of climbing trees at grandma’s house.
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