A Very Merry “Happy Day” To You!

We have what we call a Happy Day Party; inspired by the scene of the Mad Hatter from the book Alice in Wonderland. When the vibe around the house becomes highly contentious, it is time to step back and start over. So, we break out the laughter and joy with an “Un-Birthday” party or Happy Day.

The rules are: we must be extra silly and have fun. We absolutely must be nice to one another and we have to focus more on telling each other how much we love and appreciate them. For our first Happy Day, we made our cake from crispy treats using tropical flavored mini marshmallows. Adelin so graciously donated her potty training treats for the cake decorations. As a collaborated project, the kids and I put new training wheels on Mason’s bike. The kids also had to pick a task to help me out. I knew it was working when I heard Adelin praising Mason. Saying “Good job Mason. I am so proud of you!”

The kids really got into decorating the room with balloons and streamers. I purchase a small present from the dollar bin for each of them or I find items around the house. The last time we had a Happy Day, we made scones for a friend down the street. We even go as far as singing the happy un-birthday song before blowing out the candles.