The Super Lifetime Birthday Wish
The “Super Birthday” comes from a friend of mine, Shauna Taggart.
The Taggart family has a fun way to celebrate what Shauna calls “your super birthday.” When her children turn the age of the day they were born, they get a Super Birthday. Shauna says “you only have one Super Birthday, so why not make it special?”
I agree. So, what exactly does a super birthday entail?
The child having the super birthday gets to choose a big thing. For instance, one of her sons is turning 18 in a couple of months and wants to take a trip to Utah.
Sounds like Super Birthdays can get really expensive.
Super birthdays are usually more expensive, but since we only get one a lifetime, she is ok with fullfilling her kids’ dreams.
Within reason right?
Yes, for the most part, they get what they want. Shauna and Sean have to agree.
And what if you have a child who’s super birthday is not until they are, say 28?
Then the spouse has to grant the wish and we will pay to come along.
Sounds like so much fun. Thanks. I think I have some time to save. Everett was born on the 4th. I do not know many 4-year-olds with grandios ideas.
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