Pumpkin and Cream Cheese Pancake Sandwich

I do not remember where I found this recipe. I thought it was in a book called Sugar-Free Toddlers by Susan Watson.  When I went looking for the recipe to verify, I could not find it in the book. These little pancake sandwiches have been a favorite snack since Mason was a toddler.

When my kids started solids, I took the homemade baby food route using So Easy Baby Food So Easy Baby by Joan Ahlers and Cheryl Tallman the creators of Fresh Baby. The book teaches how to puree and at what age to introduce each food. With weight issues and health problems at the forefront of today’s society, I was extremely cautious about what I gave Mason to eat. Mason ate the healthiest of the three. When he turned 1, he had no clue what cake was or what he was supposed to do with it. Instead of cheddar fish or cheerios, Mason munched on softened fruit and veggies or snacks made from the Sugar-free Toddler cookbook. That all changed after Adelin joined us. We still try to limit the sugar by making our own snacks, discussing healthy choices, and eating in moderation. We must be doing something right. Adelin calls Craisins candy and they still think my banana shakes are ice cream.

Source: unknown
Warm Pancakes
Pumpkin Butter
Cream Cheese

Spread some cream cheese on one pancake. Spread another pancake with a little pumpkin butter then sandwich together.