Happy Thanksgiving Kid Style

Thanksgiving is over and I feel like a stuffed turkey. I fasted all day so I could enjoy a few extra calories at dinner time and not feel too guilty. My guilty pleasure was my Grandmother’s blue cheese ball. I nearly devoured half of it 

Making Colored Paper with Food Coloring

The kids were playing with the salad spinner while I was making dinner. Adelin asked what it was so we washed some lettuce and put it in the spinner. Then I remembered a project in Gadgetology. Place a sheet of paper in the spinner, add 

Gratitude Thank You Cards

It was the beginning of October and I felt I was going to make Halloween without a rush this year. Then all of a sudden it was two days before Halloween and I was in a crunch. If feels like when I fall behind on 

The Bay Area Discovery Museum

This past weekend I was so excited to see my brother that I threw out all reasoning. (Which by the way is completely unlike me.) I went forward and made plans to stay in San Francisco the night before his arrival to break up the 

Thanksgiving Gratitude Turkey

This Thanksgiving we started a Advent Gratitude Turkey. Every night after dinner we each take a paper feather and draw or write something we are grateful for. The kids enjoy looking at the pictures and talking about what they mean. I heard someone say once 

The Tricks and treats of Halloween Family Style

First the costumes were picked. Originally I wanted to make Adelin a cat. Then she told me she wanted to be a witch. The witch laugh convinced me. Everett wore the monkey costume I bought for Mason when he was a baby. Mason was supposed 

Card Board Princess Castle

Adelin is passionate about princesses right now. I am thrilled to see her actually playing and interested in something other than Caillou. She saw a Princess playhouse in a toy magazine and wanted me to take her to the store right away. I smiled, then 

Makeing Time for the Family: Family Fun Table Talk At The Dinner Table

Sitting down at the table together is still one of the best ways for families to grow and stay connected. When we gather around the dinner table, I envision happy children with hands washed, eager to devour the meal prepared for them. Once seated, there 

Finding The Perfect Pumpkin

Halloween is nearing fast and it is time to pick out a pumpkin. It has become a tradition to visit the pumpkin patch in the area; however, this year we took a trip to the Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch in Lathrop CA. We had 

You’ve Been BOO-ed

I love Halloween. It is absolutely my favorite holiday. Ok, I say the same thing about Christmas when I see the lights and hear the timeless carols. Oh, can’t forget the smell of pine trees. Back to Halloween. Last year, little goblins were out in