Strawberry Muffins

After three days and two nights of no sleep and the inability to eat I finally finished the three of the four books from Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Series. I could not put the book down. The last time I was confined by a book was 

Cinnamon Bun Pizza

One of my favorite pizza joints is Zachary’s Pizza located in Berkley, California. It is a well known hidden treasure. They are the home of the traditional Chicago pizza pie. A layer of pizza dough topped with sauce, toppings and cheese. Then, another layer of 

Irish Brown Bread

I made a pot of soup for dinner one night and thought rolls sounded good so I grabbed all my cookbooks in search of a fast bread recipe. I settled on a recipe and went to work when I discovered I missed the part that 

Springtime Lemon Muffins

A few years ago I attended a bake off held to raise money for a girls youth group. It was a yearly event many residents looked forward to as they stuffed their wallets with cash hoping to snag one of Mrs. A’s delectable delights. Lemon 

Saint Lucia Day: Serving Up Saffron Buns in Bed

Artwork: The Queen of Lights by Pamela Delli Colli Saint Lucy of Syracuse Day, also known as Saint Lucia, honors a young Christian woman during the time of the Diocletian Persecution in Italy. The Empire was still housed in Pagan beliefs. The government severely persecuting 

Whip Up A Simple Loaf of Banana Bread

I have a banana bread recipe I like very much from the Baker’s Illustrated Cook Book, however; with that said, I get a little antsy and enjoy searching for something new. Something interesting. I have tried many variations of banana bread, yet none of them 

Baking Bits Raspberry Scones

A friend and I went to the Sweetwater Berry Farm in Ahwahnee California to pick fresh raspberries to make jam. We had more than enough for the raspberry jam so my friend decided to make a batch of mouthwatering Raspberry Scones. She kept talking about 

Lemon Scones

These little scones are so light and fluffy. I found these on the SouleMama blog looking for more creative play ideas for my little ones. While they had homemade blueberry jam we enjoyed ours with plain fresh blueberries. My batter came out relatively sticky. Once 

Sausage Bread

This recipes comes from an issue of the Southern Living magazine. It is one of my family’s favorite to go breakfast meals. These can be made up in advance and frozen. 1 (1 lb) package ground pork sausage, hot or mild 1 (11-oz) can refrigerated 

Making Homemade Pizza Dough and Sauce

Many people love pizza. It is easy and versatile. You can either order a box from a local pizzeria or make your own at home. In addition to being yummy, pizzas are fun to make, which makes it a great activity for the family. Have a