December Website Review:

“Back when I was a kid…” dads generally did not play a major role in the upbringing of children. Dad was the primary provider. The intimidating figure you did not want to cross; a trump card mom could play to keep the kids in line. Today those roles have shifted significantly. In modern day households dad is sharing the load of household responsibilities including the rearing of children; poopy diapers, car pooling, story time and all. The stay-at-home dad is no longer a comical figure as played by Tom Selleck in the 1987 film “3 Men and A Baby.” Fathers are scaling back their work week and even in some instances, by necessity, replacing the mother at home to play a larger role in their child’s upbringing.

DadLabs wants to help foster that need by providing an informative witty place to go to for advice. Troy Lanier, Clay Nichols and Brad Powell founded DadLabs in 2004 on the belief “that parents must be the primary movers in the lives of their children and fathers must play a leading role in this journey.” The genre of videos cover everything form breastfeeding to car seats. You will also find a place to voice yourself in the DadLab Community and read more from the creators under Blog. This place is for dads so expect off color remarks and well basically man talk, hence the beer mugs.

Dads, be sure to tune in to the Live webcast every Thursday 1pm central for parenting news and giveaways!